Denne bog er en oversættelse til engelsk af bogen 'En rigtig ven?'
"I wear a track suit and look like I am on my way to play basket. I get out a gun from the bag."
"A gun? You have a gun?"
"Yes, Timmy! I have a gun. Otherwise they won't put money in my bag. But don't worry, it is a splatter gun. It is completely safe, but it looks like the real thing!"
Timmy has moved to the inner city and has found a friend after a long time.
Ken needs money to get away from it all. Hopefully all the way to South America.
Timmy helps him because Ken is his friend.
But can he trust Ken?
Bogen er beregnet til 6./7. klasse, (CEF-level A3)
Den kan lånes på biblioteker eller købes i boghandler eller online på
Bogen er udgivet af forlaget Gyldendal.